SelectaDNA Domestic Violence & Abuse Solutions
SelectaDNA are able to supply a number of solutions to tackle the growing issue of domestic violence/abuse.
Rural Theft: GPS Systems, Quads and ATVs Targeted
Lockdown movement restrictions, police rural crime teams, and increased farm security helped to curb crime over the pandemic, with most parts of the UK seeing an overall decrease in cost.
Tool Marking Leads To Recovery
Wolverhampton Police is recommending the use of SelectaDNA to mark tools, especially those left in vans by tradespeople.
Police Add To Their Crime Prevention Capabilities
An event facilitated by the Police Crime Prevention Academy has seen officers and staff from Norfolk Constabulary adding to their crime prevention capabilities to support Norfolk’s rural and farming communities.
Marking Scottish Towns & The Borders
Forensic property marking kits are being handed out to households in Bearsden, Glasgow, to tackle break-ins as part of Operation Delphinus.
Famous Department Store Deploys Spray
A well-known department store in Paris is using SelectaDNA Intruder Spray to protect against shop-lifting and robbery.
Driving A Ring Around Tool And Van Theft
SelectaDNA and Ring have teamed up to tackle the problem of van and tool theft in the UK.
Operation Yellowfin Tackles Nuisance Bikers
Nuisance motorbikes are a concern amongst the residents of North East Lincolnshire, and Humberside Police say that those involved in this type of activity are often involved in other criminal and anti-social behaviour.
Safer Streets Funding Is Put To Good Use
Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC) across England & Wales have welcomed the news that the government will make a further £20million available to them through the Safer Streets Fund to tackle crime and prevent acquisitive crime.
DNA Tagging Spray Is New Line Of Defence
Shop workers reported a shocking rise in violence and verbal abuse directed at them during the pandemic. However, some of these attacks could have been prevented by using products already in use by the Police called SelectaDNA Tagging Sprays.
Don’t Forget To Protect Your Shed
After a series of thefts from garden sheds in the area, Humberside Police were out in Humberston recently promoting crime reduction strategies to local residents.
Reducing Crime, Detecting Crime & Improving Safety
South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Alun Michael, was successful in securing over £513,410 from the Safer Streets Fund and the money is being used to launch a crime prevention initiative in Merthyr Tydfil called Project Penderyn.
Virtual Distributor Conference
While we would have much rather seen our distributors in person, we held a Virtual Distributor Conference in April this year instead.
Rising Cost of Catalytic Converter Theft
This year so far, March 2021, the total theft of catalytic converters throughout the UK is already approaching last year’s total of 15,000, which itself was a 33% increase on that of 2019.
SelectaDNA In Frontline Fightback
SelectaDNA was recently featured in an excellent item on the BBC1’s Frontline Fightback series which explores how smart technology and specialist tactics are being used to bring offenders to justice.
Kent Prioritises Acquisitive Crime
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent has received over £111,000 from the Home Office’s Safer Streets Fund to help prevent crime in Gillingham.
“Fantastic Way” To Protect Homes in Warrington
New security measures have been put in place in Warrington as part of the Safer Streets scheme to tackle burglary and acquisitive crime in the Cheshire area.
Retailers in Sweden Protect Their Stock
Haglöfs, a leading outdoor equipment retailer in Gothenburg, Sweden, has marked some of its more valuable items in store to prevent and deter theft.
Welsh Communities Benefit From Crime Prevention Kits
Residents from two disadvantaged areas in Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, are receiving crime prevention kits that will aim to deter offenders and make both communities safer.
20K SelectaDNA Kits for 'Safer Streets'
Thirty-five Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) have received funding from a £25 million scheme to crack down on burglary and theft in crime hotspots.
Reducing Cable Theft In LA
Following a rise in copper cable theft on commuter rail lines, LA Metro, in Los Angeles, California, has invested in two SelectaDNA products for existing lines.
Cleveland’s ‘Safe at Home’ Packs Include SelectaDNA
A million pound makeover for some of Cleveland’s hardest hit communities is underway, overseen by the Office of Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland.
Working from Home: Top Tips to Keep Your Home Office Safe
According to the Office for National Statistics, since April 2020 more than 46.6% of people in employment in the UK are working from home as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. These are our 5 Top Tips to help keep you safe and productive at home.
Children Get Arty to Beat Burglars in Merthyr
Pupils from primary schools in Merthyr Tydfil were challenged to design imaginative street signs to raise awareness of a new police crime prevention initiative from South Wales Police.
OSPA Nominee: Outstanding Security Partnership
We are delighted to have been named finalists in the Outstanding Security Partnership category at this year’s OSPAs for not one, but TWO successful crime reduction campaigns.