Protecting Retail


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SelectaDNA Medium Commercial Kit

SelectaDNA Medium Commercial Kit

A DNA Forensic Property Marking kit designed for medium-sized businesses, larger SMEs as well as medium-sized Schools, university departments, and local councils. Marks and protects up to 500 items of property.

SelectaDNA Gel (50g)

SelectaDNA Gel (50g)

SelectaDNA Gel (50g) is used to uniquely identify criminals tampering with indoor property or illegally gaining access to premises. It is specially designed for indoor use.

SelectaDNA Grease (50g)

SelectaDNA Grease (50g)

SelectaDNA Grease (50g) uniquely identifies and protects outdoor materials such as lead roofing and copper piping.

SelectaDNA Defence Spray Kit

SelectaDNA Defence Spray Kit

Reduce the risk of personal attack with the SelectaDNA Defence Kit

SelectaDNA Tagging Spray

SelectaDNA Tagging Spray

A DNA Tagging Spray used to deter and prevent personal attack and criminal behaviour.

SelectaDNA Personal Defence Spray

SelectaDNA Personal Defence Spray

The award-winning SelectaDNA Personal Defence Spray is a compact forensic spray designed to deter and prevent personal attacks. Carrying a SelectaDNA Personal Defence Spray on your person makes it safer to be you, and more dangerous to be a criminal.